Miller Swim School Blog

Ocean, Boating, and Pool Safety Tips for a Fun and Safe 4th of July!

Written by Miller Swim School | Jun 18, 2024 4:51:48 PM

As summer heats up and the July 4th holiday approaches, it's time to dive into a world of water adventures while keeping safety at the forefront. As the leading swim lesson provider, we truly know what makes summer extra special when the weather gets warmer. It's the time for outdoor fun, family beach days, exciting boat trips, and so much more. We know how amazing water activities can be and the feeling of freedom they bring. But it's important to remember that with all that fun comes a big responsibility.   

As we gear up to celebrate the exciting July 4th holiday and go to the beach or set off on any water adventure, make sure to keep these important water safety tips in mind. It's all about staying safe while having a blast! 

 Ocean Safety 

  • Swim near a lifeguard and wear bright, easily noticeable swimwear.  
  • NEVER swim alone or leave children unsupervised! 
  • Before taking a dip, check reports for rip currents. If you happen to get caught in one, try to ride it out until it weakens, and then swim parallel to the shore to escape it. Never attempt to swim against the current or fight it. 
  • Stay aware of the water conditions. Keep an eye out for rising tides and unexpected waves. When unsure, it's better to stay out of the water!
  • Always face the ocean and never turn your back to it.
  • Remember, even strong swimmers can find themselves struggling. Don’t overestimate your swimming abilities.  

Boating Safety 

Before You Set Sail 

  • Take a boating safety course. 
  • Check the weather forecast before going out – Look for any possible dangers like strong winds or thunderstorms. 
  • Familiarize yourself with the local tides, currents, and water depths.  

While You’re on the Water 

  • Do not operate a boat under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • NEVER overload a boat. It’s important to maintain a balanced and safe load.
  • Always wear a Coast Guard approved life jacket.
  • Be familiar with your boat, speed limits, and the rules of the waterway. Knowing the ins and outs will help you navigate with confidence. 

Pool Safety

  • Assign a water watcher. Even with multiple adults around, a water watcher should always be designated to ensure one adult always has eyes on the pool.
  • Keep distractions limited. Anytime children are near water put away phones, turn down music, and stay vigilant.
  • Exhaustion sets in fast!  Be sure to set timed breaks for kids to keep exhaustion from setting in.
  • Check pool rules and review with your family.  No running, diving, or rough housing. Listen to lifeguards at all times.
  • Learn to swim!  Formal swimming lessons are the best way to keep you and your family safe!  

With these ocean and boating safety tips in your treasure chest, you're all set for a memorable and safe 4th of July celebration. Enjoy the sun, sand, and water while protecting your loved ones. Happy swimming and sailing!  

Ready to learn to swim?  Sign up now!